Daniel Chu | Senior Energy Planner | daniel@nyc-eja.org
Daniel Chu is the Senior Energy Planner for the New York City Environmental Justice Alliance. He is a geographer and urban designer with an interest in democratic built environment planning for environmental justice communities. His work centers around a democratic transformation for vulnerable landscapes and their ecologies by developing strategies for preservation and development without perpetuating inequality. As the Energy Planner, he coordinates various just transition and energy democracy campaigns designed to inform city, state, and federal policies and regulations, such as his work with the PEAK Coalition or REVitalize Partnership. He came to NYC-EJA with energy experiences in Local Law 97 implementation and NYSERDA-funded energy efficiency retrofits. His multi-year involvement in an immigrant and community-led cooperative housing design process has been exhibited in the French National Museum of Immigration History. Daniel received an M.S. in Design & Urban Ecologies and a B.A. in Urban Studies from The New School and is a current Ph.D. student in Earth and Environmental Science at the City University of New York.